




理查德•布兰森(Richard Branson)的哲学并不遵循这种组织结构。在virgin中,我们发现它们并不遵循上述层次结构。较低级别的经理可以自由地做决定。他们可以承担任何达到处女目标所需要的风险。为此,不需要高级管理人员的许可。维珍在智利和波兰拓展业务时,市场并不稳定,该项目对该公司来说存在风险。因此,他们根据智利和波兰市场来组建公司。可以理解为,理查德·布兰森的哲学并不遵循机械结构。


这种结构是不稳定的。与机械结构不同,这种结构很容易适应变化。Richard Branson在智利和波兰市场拓展业务的同时,根据智利和波兰市场的需求和要求,对业务进行了结构上的调整,使智利和波兰能够轻松的应对业务,并且能够轻松的从上述市场中获利。因此,可以理解为Richard Branson的经营理念遵循有机结构(Harper, 2015)。

加拿大论文代写 :组织结构定义分析

Organisational structure defines the design of a company that the company uses to make a distribution of power and authority. It is a framework through which information will flow from top level managers to high-level managers.
Mechanistic Structure-
The mechanistic structure is known as a bureaucratic structure. It has a centralised network. The mechanistic structure is found in stable and certain environment. In this type of organisation, Lower level managers follow the order of higher level managers (from the top level to low-level managers).
Richard Branson’s philosophy does not follow this kind of organisation’s structure. In virgin, it is found that they do not follow the above-mentioned hierarchy. Lower level managers are free to take their decisions. They can take any kind of risk required to meet the Virgins goals. For this, the permission of higher level managers is not required. While virgin was expanding their business in Chile and Poland, the market was not stable and the project was risky for the company. Therefore, they structured their company according to the Chile and Poland market. It can be interpreted that Richard Branson’s Philosophy does not follow the Mechanistic structure.
Organic structure-
This type of structures is found unstable. Unlike a mechanistic structure, this type of structure can easily adapt to changes. While Richard Branson’s was expanding his business in Chile and Poland market, he structured his business according to the needs and requirements of that market, so that they can easily cope up with the business and can easily make a profit from the above-mentioned market. Hence, it can be interpreted that Richard Branson’s Business philosophy follows the organic structure (Harper, 2015).
