





Even after the fact that firewalls represent one of the essential failure points at the time when attack of DDoS is taking place, but still there is not any standardized procesure to evaluate the performance of firewall during the attack. Such a software is still required to prevail in the market as per the knowledge collected. The key reason for this lies in the fact that implementation of firewalls widely vary and this makes it problematic for carrying out comparisons between direct performance and indirect one. With rise in deployment of firewalls in firms, it will be seen that over the network, there is a question which arises.


This question is with regard to whether the products being purchased by these firms stand up and are able to sustain the heavy loads relatively or not. All of the three systems of firewalls utilized within such a set up comprise of stateful networks. These networks have the ability of keeping track of the connection related state network that is travelling throughout it. Through keeping a record of the state of connection, the firewalls of stateful type result in providing addition of efficiency with regard to the inspection of packet. This is due to the fact that for current connections, the firewall only requires checking the table state rather than checking the packet in opposition to the rule set of firewall. This can be of an extensive form. Such stale relationships get removed from the table state. For preventing the table state from being filled, sessions are timed out when no traffic is being passed for a specific time period.

