


不反映现实的媒体文本的研究问题已从参与者的回答中确定出来。对收集到的数据的分析表明,媒体文本并没有描述真实情况。然而,最初的主题往往被清晰地表达成一个节目,能够获得观众的关注,并对媒体文本产生需求和现实感(Kohn, 2015)。因此,人们不希望看到的现实的各个方面往往都是侧面的,因为它们向观众展示了那些特定的实例和短语,这些实例和短语构成了听众的一部分真理,这些事实和短语将得到听众的支持和鼓励。这发生在电视真人秀节目不仅能被观众看到,而且还能鼓励观众在社交媒体上进行八卦、交换意见和参与


他的这些发现对于本研究很重要,因为它们建立在媒体文本中,如手持式相机的现实主义技术代码、周围的声音和实时提供了象征现实主义(Sexton, 2015)。《老大哥》电视真人秀节目的一个例子表明,节目中有几个方面是经过大量的剪辑,增加了感兴趣的主持人,通过节目中的任务转移了参赛者的真实表现(Mast, 2016a)。另一种媒体文本,如《发胶乐队》(发胶乐队),则表明现实的缺失,因为真实的人被包含在背景中,表演的叙事进程,真实的地点和人物的不真实的反应被结合在一起(Scott, 2014)。因此,可以认为现实并没有被媒体文本所反映(Mast, 2016b)。美国的顶级模特在这项研究中堪称典范,因为她在一周的连续镜头中进行了大量的剪辑,总共制作了一个小时(Mueller和CA Crone, 2015)。此外,争论还增加了戏剧性的方面(Sanders, 2016)。这位神秘的百万富翁通过添加风的声音、隐形摄像机、普通破旧的衣服和对房子的修改来调解现实。现实主义元素的结合涉及到媒体文本的发展,试图通过对现实世界中个人所体验到的这些元素的刻意关注,来展示在观众看来真实的媒体


The research problem questions of the media texts not reflecting the reality has been identified from the responses of participants. The analysis of the collected data has indicated that the true reality is not depicted by the media texts. However, the original theme is often articulated into a program that can attain the attention of the audience and create both demand and sense of reality towards the media text (Kohn, 2015). Hence, the facets of the reality that is not desirable by the population are often side-lined in light of showcasing those particular instances and phrases which constitute as part truth to the audience that will be supported and encouraged by them. This takes place when the reality TV show is not only viewed by the audience but also encouraged the viewers to engage in gossips, exchange of views and drive engagement across the social media


he findings are important for this study as they establish due to the mediation undertaken in the media texts such as the technical codes for realism entailing handheld camera, surrounding sound and real time provides with the symbolic realism (Sexton, 2015). An example of Big Brother TV reality show indicates that several aspects were mediated such as heavy editing, addition of interested hosts and diverting the real performance of contestants by tasks during the show (Mast, 2016a). Another media text such as Hairspray the school musician indicates the lack of reality since the real people were included in background, narrative progression of show, real location and unrealistic responses of characters were combined (Scott, 2014). Hence, it can be considered that the reality is not reflected by media texts (Mast, 2016b). America’s Top Model is exemplary for this research as it conducts heavy editing to construct an hour from a week long footage (Mueller and CA Crone, 2015). Furthermore, dramatic aspects are added for the arguments (Sanders, 2016). The Secret Millionaire performed mediation of reality by adding sound of wind, invisible cameras, regular shabby clothes and editing of the houses. The combination of the realism elements are involved in the development of the media text in an attempt to showcase such a media that seems real to the audience with the deliberate focus on such elements that are experienced by the individuals in the real world


