

钙钛矿由于某些限制而受到抑制,这可能会显著影响钙钛矿的使用方式。现在,研究人员提出了一种混合钙钛矿材料,这种材料可以使太阳能电池的效率提高一倍。普渡大学(Purdue University)的研究人员已经证实,杂交钙钛矿比现有的钙钛矿能产生更多的电能,而且成本与现有的钙钛矿相当。生产率的翻倍意味着现有的太阳能电池实际上可以制造得更薄,而传统的硅太阳能电池也可以制造得更灵活、更便宜。

加拿大Paper代写 :钙钛矿的使用方式


加拿大Paper代写 :钙钛矿的使用方式

Perovskites were held back based on some constraints and that could significantly affect the ways they are used. Now hybrid perovskite materials that can double the efficiency of solar cells are presented by researchers and an article dated April of 2017 assesses the stability of such hybrids. Researchers at the Purdue University have established that hybrid perovskites would be able to produce much more electricity than the existing perovskites and they do this at the same cost of the existing perovskites. This doubling of productivity would mean that the existing solar cells could actually be made more thinner and the conventional silicon solar cells could be made more flexible and cheaper as well .

加拿大Paper代写 :钙钛矿的使用方式

The material being made use of in the construction of these perovskites is a crystalline structure that is a mix of two varieties of inorganics -iodine and lead. The organic material used in energy production in the perovskite is that of methyl-ammonium. The combination used in the perovskite is such that it can boost the efficiency and double the amount of energy produced. The doubling effect happens because two-thirds of the energy as absorbed from the solar light is actually moved with little loss of energy in the form of heat as with the old models. Controlling this energy loss in the form of heat is therefore an incentive at this point.
