


加拿大人权学论文代写 :空气污染物是哮喘病的诱因


加拿大人权学论文代写 :空气污染物是哮喘病的诱因

Air pollutants act as an asthma trigger. The environment in which the person lives and the way they can control pollutants from entering their homes would be directly dependent on their income status. The form of asthma management available to the population will also vary, as high income population would be more easily exposed to management measures or new range of information on control or reduction in stress which could exacerbate an asthmatic state. Urban pollution directly has an impact here. In fact, as a research report on the Chicago Metropolitan area indicates, some of these areas are designated by EPA as non-attainment area for ozone pollution.

加拿大人权学论文代写 :空气污染物是哮喘病的诱因

Countries such as the United States have specific standards to be met with respect to the clean nature of the air. The Clean Air Act for instance is one of the basic requirements for addressing those different urban environments meets the necessary health quality standards. Now under the EPA and legislations, those areas that meet the designated standards are called the attainment areas and those do not call the non-attainment or below standards areas. The Bronzeville community is considered as a below standard area because there are heightened emissions. In addition, the community also lacks the right elements to advise residents and help them become more experts in handling the risk. The ability to improve their standard of living in the urban environment is hence suppressed here.
