


加拿大社会科学论文代写 :食物购买偏好的因素


加拿大社会科学论文代写 :食物购买偏好的因素

In a recent trip to the super market I found myself looking for lean meat and juice. There were a lot of talk in the peer groups regarding health and this was a major influence in the purchasing decision. Organic meat and purchased prepared juices with fewer additives. While buying the meat, the important factor that was considered was the use of hormones in the meat. Organic food was considered healthy by my peers hence was looking for meat that had the label organic. I was in a transition period in my life. Studies have demonstrated that during the times of transition the habits of the individuals also changes. Hence I had started to develop a newer affinity towards meat products. Back at home we ate according to our culture and ethnicity.

加拿大社会科学论文代写 :食物购买偏好的因素

It also seemed very important to fit into a group and the food choice was a major determining factor to fit into my peer group. When buying the prepared juice, the important factor that was searched was if the company had used artificial sweeteners in the food such as aspartame, saccharine or sodium cyclamate. The reason for looking to buy the prepared juice was the ease factor. It seems like they are a healthier food choice given the time involved in preparing the food. In spite of all the health rhetoric in the environment, there was also purchase of chocolate ice cream because it makes me happy. This lead to the reflection about the reasoning behind the choices and food related behaviour.
