

The place or the location of the hotels is on a global basis. Spanning across several continents, the hotel chain is present in all prominent cities like Chicago, Toronto, Washington DC, Buenos Aires, Chennai, Abu Dhabi, Milan, Zurich, Istanbul, Dubai, Jeddah, Goa, Maldives, Melbourne, Tokyo, Sydney, Shanghai, Seoul, etc. The locations of the hotels are also at strategic centers in the respective cities so that it is easier for customers to travel across and save time during conveyance (Park Hyatt, 2011).


地方或酒店的位置是在全球基础上。跨越几个大洲,连锁酒店是目前在所有著名的城市如芝加哥,多伦多,华盛顿,布宜诺斯艾利斯,钦奈,阿布扎比,米兰,苏黎世,伊斯坦布尔,迪拜,吉达,马尔代夫,果阿,墨尔本,东京,悉尼,上海,汉城,等。酒店的位置也在各城市战略的中心是为客户节省时间和旅行在运输过程中容易(Park Hyatt,2011)。
