

土地流失可以定义为包括海滩的完全侵蚀或内陆海湾和河口周围湿地的损失的过程。土地流失是当今许多国家面临的一个重大环境问题。路易斯安那州就是这样一个因为土地流失而面临巨大问题的国家。它是一个湿地总面积超过4英亩的国家,约占全国土地总面积的40%。虽然这些湿地曾经是世界上最多样化、最多产的生态系统,但目前可以看出,路易斯安娜州的湿地正处于快速退化和破碎化的状态。大约80%的沿海土地流失发生在路易斯安娜州(Couvillion et al . 29)。每年,该州都会损失25000英亩土地。土地流失包括商业用地,这些商业用地曾被用于多种用途。据估计,如果土地损失继续以同样的速度增长,渔业将损失370亿美元(Nittrouer等人534)。土地破碎化可以定义为由于某些或其他人类活动而使土地的不同部分分离。因此,土地经常受到影响,导致土地流失。单词fragment可以由单词fragment派生而来,意思是与其他部分分开的一小块土地。当为土地定义破碎化过程时,它定义了这样一种情况:一块土地被分割成大量的分离部分。根据King和Burton的说法,土地分割可以被定义为一个可能发生在沿海地区的基本问题,因为人类的影响和不同地点的贫穷组织以适当的方式存在。Karouzis认为,土地破碎化是一个非常严重的问题。Blaikic和se还认为,土地破碎化在当今时代是一个严重的问题,特别是在沿海地区(Palaseanu et al . 97)。

土地流失是与生态系统相关的最复杂的环境问题之一。Ringold(2013)将生态系统服务定义为以商品和服务的形式向个人或政府提供服务的事物。土地是构成人类的重要组成部分。因此,土地流失是世界面临的一个主要问题。在路易斯安那州,人们已经观察到有大量的海岸地区可能由于沉积物的重定向而发生沉降。这些沉积物是由密西西比河堤坝,口音的水、油、气等下土地在水的表面,增加湿地的整体渠道化,也由于排水的湿地开发的目的。由于这些问题,海岸将会下沉,这将导致海平面上升并覆盖陆地表面(Ko et al ., 597)。由于同样的原因,估计将有大约3亿美元的沿海房地产损失,因为土地的下沉,将有大量的盐水入侵淡水湿地。这将导致植物或动物群落向淡水湿地转移。这将导致植物或动物群落的巨大转变。由于海水的入侵以及随之而来的湿地破碎化改造,正成为路易斯安那州面临的主要威胁之一。

课程代写 :土地流失的环境问题

Land loss may be defined as the process including the complete erosion of the beaches or the losses of the wetlands around the interior bays of land and estuaries. Land loss is a major environmental problem being faced by a number of countries in the present times. Louisiana is one such nation which is facing a huge problem because of land loss. It is a nation which has the total wetlands of more than 4 acres area, around 40 % of the total land of the nation. Though, these wetlands once used to be the most diverse and productive ecosystems in the entire world, at present, it can be observed that the wetlands in Lousiana are in a state of degradation and fragmentation at a rapid rate. Around 80 % of the costal land loss has been observed in Lousiana (Couvillion et al 29). Each and every year, the state is losing around 25000 acres. The land loss includes commercial lands which were used for a number of efforts. It has been assumed that if the land loss continues at the same rate, there will be a loss of $37 billion to the fishing industry (Nittrouer et al 534). Fragmentation of land may be defined as the separation of different portions of land due to some or other human activities. Because of this, the land is often impacted and it leads to land loss. The word fragment may be derived from the word fragment which means a small piece of land separated from other parts. When the process of fragmentation is defined for the lands it defines such a situation where a piece of land has been divided into large number of separated parts. According to King and Burton, the fragmentation of land can be defined as a fundamental problem which may occur in the coastal areas because of human impact and poor organizations of different locations in a proper manner. According to Karouzis, land fragmentation can be determined as a very serious issue. Blaikic and Sadeque also argue that land fragmentation is a serious issue in the present times, especially in the coastal areas (Palaseanu et al 97).
Land loss is one of the most complicated environmental problems which are related to the ecosystem. According to Ringold (2013), ecosystem services can be defined as something which provides services to individuals or the government in the form of goods and services. Land is something which forms to be an important element of human beings. Thus, land loss is a major problem for the world. In Louisiana, it has been observed that there are a large number of costal area which where subsidence may be observed as a result of redirection of the sediments. These sediments are brought up by the Mississippi river levees, with drawl of the water, oil, gas etc. from beneath the surface of land under the water, the increase in the overall channelization of wetlands and also as a result of the drainage of the wetlands for the purpose of development. Because of these problems, the coast will subside, which will lead to the rise in sea levels and cover the surface of land (Ko et al, 597). Due to the same, there will be an estimated loss of around $300 million of costal real estate Because of the subsidence of the land there will be a lot of saltwater intrusion into the freshwater wetlands. This will lead to the shift in the community of plant or animal into the freshwater wetlands. This will cause a great shift in the community of the plants or animals. The intrusion of the saltwater and the subsequent modification of the wetlands, due to the fragmentation, are emerging to be one of the major threats for Louisiana.
