





The economy of a country and social aspects is by far the most introspected aspect of the health of a country. In the case of the economy of China, it is observed that the Chinese economy has indeed been resilient in many of the worsening situations of other countries even in the throes of economic recession . The economic plans for the country till date have been made by the CCP for their PRC and these plans have worked. Therefore, even if CCP faces challenges, it could be said that CCP as an institution might not be completely devaluated or dissolved. The institutionwould remain because of its careful economic strategy that people trust in.


There is a diversity of population in the country, but then this is a population that also understands what form of strategy works for their country and what works against it. The population is highly educated and as seen in most cases, the current upcoming youth are educated abroad. They appreciate the economic strategy of the country, and look behind the veiled necessities of democracy, almost accept the alternate form of democracy and governance that China is invested in. This means they are not ready to blame the CCP for all issues. The current generation is more independent and are able to safely assess past and future strategies of CCP carefully. In the context of the economic strategies, they would appreciate what CCP has done for the country.
