

主题和辅助讨论需要整理。研究者需要从整理的信息中发展出一个主题。他们需要了解销售玩具的最佳方式。重点必须是儿童的发展和安全。研究者需要创建一个清晰的平台。在这种情况下,概念图会很有用。研究人员需要明确一条线索,表明焦点小组的重要主题或相关问题。概念图中权重较重的线是重要的主题。补充主题将用较浅的线条突出。关于这些线的权重的决定需要在小组中讨论。线条的重量需要是团队的分析判断,在那里有观察和主题的重要性需要讨论(Berg, Lune和Lune, 2004)。一旦确定了这些,就必须对事件进行报告。必须创造一个连贯的整体。研究小组必须整理重要的因素,并就研究结果写一份报告。一旦完成了这项工作,他们就需要创建分析,并且必须采取后续行动来完成研究。






The main themes and the ancillary discussions need to be collated. The researcher needs to develop a theme from the information that is collated. They need to understand the best way to market the toys. The focus must be on the child development and safety. The researcher needs to create a clear platform. A concept map would be useful in this situation. The researcher needs to clear a line that is an indication of the important topic or relevant issues of the focus group. The lines with the heavier weights in the concept map are the important themes. The supplementary themes would be highlighted in lighter lines. The decision on the ways to weight the lines needs to be discussed in the group. The weight of the lines needs to be an analytical judgment of the team where there is observation and importance of the topics needs to be discussed (Berg, Lune and Lune, 2004). Once these have been determined, there must be a reporting of the events. There must be creation of a coherent whole. The research team must collate the important factors and write a report of the findings. Once this has been done, they need to create analysis and subsequent actions of completing the research must be undertaken.

These are some of the main tenets of focus group.


Focus groups are an important arena that is used to make determinations of the different issues. For a focus group to be effective there must be clear planning and objectives. In this research, there will be focus on the young parents who want to make sales to the children. Initially, the reason for the research and the specific answers must be created. Then the logistic for the focus group needs to be addressed. The next factor is ensuring that consent has been obtained for the sources and the innate system of obtaining proper authorization. Once these have been completed, there are certain pre-session, session and analysis that the researcher needs to undertake. After completion of these processes, the researcher must collate the factors and create a report that is neutral. There must be ethical consideration that must be strictly adhered in this paradigm.

Finally, the most important aspect is ensuring that the researcher who interviews the people is amiable and ensuring that they do not direct the conversation. They can explain about the questions but a neutral stand must be maintained.
