
  本篇論文代筆價錢-白內障診所案例分析講了本分析所選擇的病例爲ClearEyes白內障診所。在開業的最初幾年,這家診所業務在財務方面保持着良好的發展勢頭,同時實現了可觀的盈利。通過在免費的地方報紙和地方電臺上刊登廣告,建立了對白內障問題的意識和商業興趣,最初的業務得以增長。廣告策略包括眼科醫生的推薦和口口相傳,以最大的有效範圍產生需求。由於白內障手術對服務提供者有許多吸引人的特性,因此白內障手術的競爭範圍相當大。本篇論文代筆價錢文章由加拿大第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  Case Study Analysis and Discussion

  Overview of the Case

  The case study selected for the purpose of this analysis is that of ClearEyes Cataracts Clinic. By the initial years of its operations, the clinic business was holding a sound footage in finance, while turning considerably profitable. The initial business picked up its growth by establishing awareness regarding the issue of cataracts and the business interest by placing advertisements across free local papers and local radio stations. The advertising strategy is inclusive of referrals and word of mouth by ophthalmologists, generating demand with maximum scope of effectiveness. There has been considerable scope of competition for patients of cataract as the procedure had a number of attractive attributes to the service providers.

  Current Service Offering

  The provision of diagnosed cataracts had been considerably easy and quick with the rareness of misdiagnosis. There was performance of surgery on the basis of outpatient. In comparison with a number of other specialized medical offices, the clinics conducted considerably simple operations for certain services of maintenance. Typically, patients used to call the clinic after they were provided with the reference of another doctor or an ophthalmologist under the confirmed tests of cataracts. On daily basis, the receptionist ended up sending callers’ list to the facilities, while tracking how many patients ended up returning back to ClearEyes. A week before the intake appointment schedules, mail was sent regarding the insurance and medical forms that were to be filled by the patients. The clinic showed preference in completing the forms of insurance and further mailing them. However, a number of patients do not hold the requirement of information. There can be scheduling of cash patient for the surgery considerably soon. As an effort of understanding the no-show issue, telephonic surveys were conducted. The most common technique is the Trilateration method. This method is based on signal strength received from 3 or more different Wi-Fi APs randomly scattered throughout a building. The estimation of position is done by finding the point of intersection of imaginary circles drawn about any 3 Apps. Therefore, the device must be at the position where the circles from each transmitter coincide. A minimum of n-1 transmitters are needed to provide a position estimate in n dimensions, i.e. 3 transmitters are required for a 2D position estimate. When using 3 transmitters, the technique is called trilateration. With perfect information, this method will give an exact, unique answer, i.e. the single point at the intersection of the circles. This technique looks good in theory and requires very little hardware, but fails marginally due to the presence of stray signals, multipath reflection and absorption.

