
  本篇论文代写-财务分析讲了常用的财务分析工具有比率分析、趋势分析和一般规模资产负债表。对利用金融工具得出的结果进行了评价。财务分析的使用有助于强调这样一个事实,即管理绩效与公司效率的可信度有关(Benninga, 2008)。必须强制考虑公司的无形资产和信用价值。本篇论文代写文章由加拿大第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Each of the financial methods along with critical limitation of the different model have been detailed in this section.

  About Vertical analysis

  Vertical analysis report is used to report particular amount on the financial statement. This is used as a percentage of another item. The example of vertical analysis is the use of the balance sheet. In this balance sheet, every amount in the balance sheet is used to denote the amount of the balance sheet that is restated to become a percentage of the total assets. If the inventory in the balance sheet is $100,000 and the total assets were considered to be $400,000 then the inventory is presented as 25. In other words, it is 25% of the amount. If the case amount is $160,000, it will be presented as 4. The total asset will be added to show the sum of 100. When using this calculation, the equity of the owner needs to be considered as $240,000. This will be around 60% of the amount (Soffer and Soffer, 2003). The restated amount that is found in the vertical analysis of financial balance sheet is then created as a common balance sheet. The common balance sheet is used for the comparison of the company’s balance sheet with another company. From this, the average value will be computed (Penman and Penman, 2007).

  Benefit and Limitation

  It can be inferred that the vertical analysis of the income statement is a part that would be presented as a percentage of the sales. The restated amount in the income sheets will be known as the common-size income statement. This enables the company to compare the company’s income statement along with another company or with the industry average. Another form of analysis is the horizontal analysis. Another limitation is the availability of the information. The particular information that is required may not be easily available and at certain conditions, some assumptions would need to be made. This can impact the reliability of the information. There is an often debates topic about the reliability of the financial analysis. Certain mandatory requirements and certain assumptions about the company data need to be making financial data. The financial statements are broken down into a number of individual components. The principles elements work according to resemblance and affinity factors. It is imperative to have a balance sheet along with the profit and loss accounts that need to be completely re-casted and presented from entirely different original shape (Palepu, Healy and Peek, 2013). The second step is the factoring of the significant relationship. These are linked between individual components of the balance sheets along with the profit and loss account. The next factor is the establishment of the significant relationship between individual components of the balance sheet while factoring in the profit and loss account. Some of the application tools of financial analysis that is used are ratio analysis, trend analysis and common size balance sheet. The result that is obtained by the means of financial tools is evaluated. The use of the financial analysis aids to highlight the fact that concerns the managerial performance along with credibility of the corporate efficiency (Benninga, 2008). The intangibles and credit worthiness of the company must be mandatorily considered.

