

本报告将对一个名为“自由选择残酷”的非营利组织的激进主义运动进行全面分析和批判性评价。它的目的是解决一个非常关键的环境和社会问题,在动物身上测试新的实验化妆品。这导致了残酷的畸形,甚至无辜动物的死亡。本研究的目的是检测新开发的人类化妆品的低过敏性和安全性。世界各地的动物权利活动对其进行了彻底的谴责和反对,因为动物主体不得不为了人类的欲望和虚荣心而遭受残酷的对待(Abbott, 2009)。欧盟、以色列、印度、挪威等国家已经完全禁止了化妆品的动物实验。然而,仍然有一些国家广泛地对无助的动物进行这种残忍的对待(小岛,2007)。本报告着重分析“无残酷选择”运动在过去一段时间内对澳大利亚所采取的步骤、影响、策略、计划、实施方法和结果。

论文代写 :非营利组织的激进主义运动


论文代写 :非营利组织的激进主义运动

The present report is to thoroughly analyse and critically appraise the activism campaign called “Choose cruelty free”, a non-profit organisation. It aims at addressing a very critical environmental as well as social issue, testing of new experimental cosmetics on the animals. This leads to cruel deformities even death of innocent animals. It is done to examine the hypoallergenic properties and safety of newly developed cosmetic products for use by humans. The animal rights activities around the world thoroughly condemn and oppose it since the animal subjects have to suffer cruelty for the sake of humans’ desires and vanity (Abbott, 2009). There are various nations like European Union, Israel, India, Norway, etc. which have completely banned the animal testing of cosmetics. While still there are nations which extensively do this cruelty to the helpless animals (Kojima, 2007). This report focuses to analyse the steps taken by the campaign “Choose Cruelty Free”, its impacts, strategies, plans, implementation methods and outcomes in the recent past with respect to Australia.

论文代写 :非营利组织的激进主义运动

The purpose of Power-holder maps for analysis of the campaign is to help the campaign to evaluate that all the relevant key players of the campaign are identifies and targeted by the campaign. It provides a thorough evaluation and practically visual representation of the position of the power relationships. It is a layout that represents the issues taken up by the campaign and the possible ways of intervention the campaign can take. The power-holder maps help the campaign to recognise the relationships between prime participants and weigh their relevance with respect to the campaign strategies. For future progress of the campaign, it helps in identification of additional information and future research questions which are required for the future growth and development of the power map and update the campaign strategies.
