
  本篇论文代写价格-马斯洛的需求层次理论讲了马斯洛的需求层次理论代表了每个人的四种基本需求,包括食物、水、温暖和休息。这些生理的基本需求是本能的需求,只有当这些需求得到满足时,人们才会对他人产生渴望。在商业领域,满足生理需求是第一特权,而所有其他需求,如恢复活力和放纵,都是作为特殊的次要需求。本篇论文代写价格文章由加拿大第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Maslow’s hierarchy of needs represents four basic things as needed for everybody, including food, water, warmth and rest. These physiological basic needs are instinctive needs and only when these needs are met can men aspire for others. In the commercial domain, meeting physiological needs is the first prerogative and all other needs like rejuvenation and indulgence come as special secondary needs. The private/domestic domain is a non-commodified domain and may or may not be governed by laws and best practices. This is because the aim of the private/domestic domain is to create comfort, security and meet basic needs; they are not concerned about profit. In the private/domestic domain, the basic physiological needs must be met by the hospitality industry elements such as hotels. In the given article, the complaint detail discussed pertains to the basic physiological needs of rest and the second level Maslow’s hierarchical needs of safety. Safety needs are also basic needs like physiological needs. Safety is the issue in the article.

  The hosting phenomenon has been studied from different perspectives in the private/domestic domain. The relationship between the hosts and the guests are ever improved based on feedback systems and critical studies on the hosting domains. Hospitality even in its most commodified sense can still be understood as part of the domestic and cultural settings in the way and hence the very notion of hospitality becomes a ubiquitous feature of human life.

  Obligations and Reciprocity

  In pre-industrial societies, hospitality was considered more of a duty. Being hospitable towards one’s neighbours and even friends was considered as a moral imperative. The duty of the host was to protect the visitors and none of these protection preferences would have been left to preference or economy. When a host did not perform up to his duties, then he/she would be socially condemned. “Beliefs about hospitality and obligations to others are located in views and visions about the nature of society, and the natural order of things. Thus any failure to act appropriately is treated with social condemnation” (Lashley, 2017, p. 3). In the private/domestic domain, this aspect of obligations has to be considered with respect to the afore-discussed physiological and psychological needs.

  In the given media article, it is highlighted that the host has not done their proper duty or obligations. When considered in the context of the basic belief of hospitality, they had certain obligations as host. The guests in the case of the private/domestic domain do not have to reciprocate any of these obligations. One of the obligations of the host was to ensure that their guests were in safe conditions. Giving them blankets that someone else used is not a healthy practice. The guests stand the risk of being exposed to germs and more. Here the duty of the host towards the guests of the hotel is not satisfied (Telfer, 2000). In the private/domestic domain, meeting the physiological and psychological needs of the person being hosted has failed. Even in the commodification of hospitality domain, it would have been the basic legal duty to provide safe housing for the client, and the hotel has failed to do so.

