

展览中展示的所有证据,包括泰坦尼克号内部的细节、人工制品和灾难性的残骸,都完美地描述了泰坦尼克号的壮丽。这些证据的展示增加了一个4米高的冰块,描绘的是冰山,游客可以触摸它(Price, 2016)。这让他们有机会想象4月15日的寒冷早晨和北大西洋的极低温度。此外,这次展览还重现了泰坦尼克号在北大西洋海底的坟墓,直到今天,它一直在那里沉睡。佐勒先生在2000年乘坐一艘小型潜艇亲自参观了沉船,从而创造了这个场景。此外,展览还展示了许多电影《泰坦尼克号》中使用过的道具,比如“海洋之心”的项链。




All the evidences displayed in the exhibition with details of the ship’s interiors, artefacts, and its disastrous wreckage, have beautifully described Titanic’s magnificence. The display of these evidences is augmented by a four-meter block of ice, depicting the iceberg, which the visitors are allowed to touch (Price, 2016). This gives them the opportunity to imagine the cold morning of April 15 and the extremely low temperatures of North Atlantic Ocean. Moreover, the exhibit has recreated Titanic’s grave at the bottom of North Atlantic, where it rests till today. Mr Zoller created this by visiting the wreck himself, in the year 2000, in a small submarine. Furthermore, the exhibit features many props as used in the movie Titanic, such as the necklace- ‘Heart of the Ocean’.


The exhibition has been highly successful and is worth a visit for all age groups as anyone is bound to be captivated by the story of a majestic start and tragic end of the unsinkable ship. The exhibition is very moving and holds loads of information and evidences for students and historians who are interested to dive deeper into the ship’s details, then the movie that focuses more on the love story. The capacity of the venue allows visitors to spend their own time admiring the enchanting recreations of Titanic (Titanic the Exhibition, 2017). The exhibits connect with the audience is so strong that visitors cannot help, but contemplate about the era of Titanic and the lives that drowned with the same.
