論文 代寫 價格-現金兌換率

  本篇論文 代寫 價格-現金兌換率讲了現金兌換率是兩家銀行之間進行結算的比率。現金率是指兩個銀行之間進行結算所涉及的金額的流量。因此,如果現金率較低,那麼銀行可以以較低的資金流出來結算。這導致更多的可用資金和更多的購買力。這將影響通貨膨脹率的負面,這意味着人民將有更多的購買力,將導致更多的支出。當人們可以花更多的錢,這將導致低可用性的商品在市場上,因爲會有更多的買家和更少的賣家。這種情況會導致通貨膨脹率的上升(Hall and Jaaskela, 2011)。因此,現金利率應提高到1.75%或2%。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由加拿大第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  Influence in the Interest rate

  Cash rate is the rate at which settlement between two banks takes place. Cash rate holds the flow of amount that is involved in the settlement between two banks. Therefore, if cash rate is low, then banks can settle their amount at low outflow of funds. This leads to the more availability of funds and more purchasing power. This will impact inflation rate on negative side which means ppeople will have more purchasing power and will lead to more spending. When people can spend more this will lead towards low availability of commodity in the market since there will be more buyer and less seller. This situation will lead towards increase in inflation rate (Hall and Jääskelä, 2011). Therefore, the cash rate shall be increased to 1.75 percent or 2 percent.

  Higher savings

  Current level of cash rate that the Reserve Bank of Australia decides is 1.50 percent that makes it lowest cash rate during the year. It has been seen that the cash rate indirectly has impact on interest rate that banks charge on its loans and advances. Therefore, with the increase in cash rate, there will be an increase in interest rate that the bank charges. Then in this case, people will save more as compared to spending. This is because they will get higher interest rate on their savings and taking mortgage loans will lead to more outflow of their money (Sinclair and De Silva, 2013). On the other hand, people who have already taken the loans will have to pay more and that will lead towards humiliating situation. However, government or Reserve Bank of Australia has to think for the future and have to move forward rather than looking behind what has happened in past. Therefore, in order to promote more savings among people with the ultimate objective of curtailing inflation rate, cash rate shall be increased from the present level.

  Lower or moderate level of inflation rate with price stability

  Another important matter that RBA officials need to undergo is to keep price stability in the market. Price stability is the situation in which commodities are charged appropriately (not charged more than its value). Price stability can be achieved with various tools that Reserve Bank of Australia has. Tools or elements that can bring price stability are interest rate, cash rate, prevailing inflation rate, purchasing power of people, saving rate in the economy and many other elements. However, most common element is the cash rate that can influence each element of price stability. Interest rate moves parallel to cash rate and interest rate impacts purchasing power and savings rate in the economy. Therefore, lower level of cash rate will increase purchasing power and decrease interest rate, which will ultimately lead towards higher inflation rate (Sinclair and De Silva, 2013). On the other hand, higher cash rate will increase savings and lead towards lower inflation rate in the economy. This situation will ultimately achieve price stability in the market with lower inflation rate.

