
本篇文章分析的是音乐治疗法,在Warth等人(2015)的研究中,姑息治疗中的音乐治疗是在随机对照试验中进行的,目的是了解人们放松努力的细微差别。这项研究是在海德堡的圣文森修斯医院的姑息治疗单位进行的。它在德国临床试验中被伦理委员会批准治疗。这一努力是为了从情感的角度了解人民生活质量的细微差别。本篇论文代写价格由加拿大第一论文Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the study by Warth et al. (2015), the music therapy in palliative care was undertaken in a randomized controlled trial to understand the nuances of the relaxation efforts of the people. The study was conducted in the St. Vincentius Hospital, Heidelberg’s Palliative care unit. It was approved treatment by the ethics committee in the German Clinical trials. This effort was taken to understand the nuances of quality of life of the people from an emotional standpoint.
In this randomized controlled trail, 84 patients were assigned to the treatment of musical theory. In this the intervention that were done included music-based relaxation and exercises. The people in the control group were able to listen to verbal discourse. Heart rate variability and the tangential results of the people were considered as secondary outcome. Feedback and the well being state of the patients were considered. From this the analysis of the covariance resulted indicated that the patients felt less fatigued in their emotions when compared to the control group. Pain level however remained to be the same. This resulted in less dropout of the treatment by the patients. This is indicative of the emotional well being of the patients. These have been justified in previous research (McConnell et al., 2015).
This research is relevant and has numerous benefits. It systematically analyzed the nuances of the therapeutic relationship with the people that aids in the development of emotional and mental health of the people. This result indicated that the symptom management, improvement in the emotional state of the people and their enhanced communication were developed owing to this music treatment. These were achieved by the interventions. The limitation of this research was that there were no active distinctions that were done as to how the patient takes part in the production of the music. Only the receptive factors were considered in this research. Apart from this, the sample size that was considered for this research is considerably lower.

