

在贏得特拉法加戰役後,英國海軍變得更加自信。英國獲得了許多好處,因為它是工業革命的第一個發祥地。從1700年到1800年,英國人口翻了一番。動力織機和珍妮紡紗機是紡織業的新發明。工廠制度也由英國組織(格林伍德和沃德76-96)。兩次革命的第一個區別是,法國大革命期間工人階級沒有遇到困難,而工業革命對工人階級的打擊很大。對於國家的經濟來說,工業革命是好的,但是法國革命一點也不好(Gupta et al. 1447-1452)。由於工業革命,經濟力量發生了變化,而政治力量在法國革命後發生了變化。農民因為法國大革命而變得富有,而英國的農民因為工業革命而變得貧窮。


論文代寫價格 :英國工業革命

After winning the Battle of Trafalgar, Britain’s navy got more confident. Many benefits were picked up by Great Britain because it was the first country from where the Industrial revolution started. The population was doubled of Great Britain from 1700-1800. The power looms and the spinning jenny were the new inventions of the textile industry. Factory system was also organized by the Great Britain (Greenwood and Ward 76-96). The first difference between the two revolutions was that the working class during the French revolution did not faced difficulties, while the Industrial Revolution was hard on the working class. For the economy of the country, the industrial revolution was good but the French revolution was not at all good (Gupta et al. 1447-1452). Economic powers were changed because of the Industrial revolution, when political powers were changed after the French revolution. Farmers became rich because of the French revolution, while farmers of Great Britain became poor because of the industrial revolution.
The French Revolution gave rights like equality, fewer taxes and voice to the working class. On the other hand, the Industrial Revolution molested the working class and the workers had to work near the dangerous machines where the lives of the workers were not safe. Condition of the house where they were living was pathetic. The framework was not powerful, they had filthy neighborhood and the streets were too small (Clayton and Barnes 11-15).
