


  肩部和帷幔建議有清晰的線條和褶皺,褶皺處有深色和淺色。耶穌的長袍和約翰的衣服的顏色是一樣的,表明它們之間的聯繫。在盲目獵戶座的繪畫顏色和窗簾是黑暗和不清楚。黛安娜的披風像雲彩一樣黑。施洗約翰的面部表情和手勢非常清晰。約翰被認爲是在給他的門徒傳道,左邊的兩個法利賽人指着耶穌,耶穌和他的五個門徒正進入。其他作品的面部表情也很清晰,雖然獵戶座的臉是在黑暗中,但顯示了他尋找太陽以獲得視力。畫中的男人指向天空,而cedalion也在幫助Orion尋找方向(Rosenberg, 112)。




  The people shown in John the Baptist are the disciples of John, Jesus and his five disciples behind him, and pair of Pharisees on the left. There is relation between the figures displayed as John is preaching his disciples, who believe him and relation between John and Jesus have been documented in Gospel of John. The painting also suggests the powerful architectural setting and the power of ancient virtues. The people shown in Blind Orion Searching for the Rising Sun are not all related to each other except the gigantic Orion and cedalion, who is there to show him path towards sun (Goodman, 152). The other figures of men and woman are not related and the figure of Diana in the clouds, do not display her relation with Orion. This painting also displays the symbol of creator and the poetic art.

  The shoulders and draperies are suggested with clear lines and folds, with dark and light colors in the folds. The color of Jesus’s robe and John’s drapery are same, suggesting connection between them. The colors and draperies in the Blind Orion painting are dark and not clear. The drape of Diana is dark as the colors of clouds. The facial expressions and gestures in the painting of John the Baptist are very clear. John is seen as deeply involved in giving preaching to his disciples and the two Pharisees on the left are pointing towards Jesus, who is entering with his five disciples. The facial expressions in the other work are also clear, though the face of Orion is in dark but displays his quest to find sun to gain sight. The men in the painting are pointing towards sky and cedalion is also showing the gesture of helping Orion in finding his way (Rosenberg, 112).


  The essay provided the comparison of two famous paintings. The first painting is Saint John the Baptist Bearing Witness which is currently attributed to the workshop of Francesco Granacci but according to many art scholars, this painting is made by great Italian Renaissance artist Michelangelo. The depiction of Saint John in the painting is to display his relation with Jesus. John was the one, who came to bear the witness and to display the mythological aspects of the Gospel of John. The painting displays many figures, which have been shown with balance and proper outlines. All the figures stand completely individual without mixing with each other. The painting has been made by using oil, tamper and gold on wood. The painting is compared with the last painting of French artist Nicolas Poussin’s “Blind Orion Searching for the Rising Sun”. This painting is based on the myth of Orion, who is in search of sun, whom he believed that will provide him with sight. Orion is guided by his cedalion towards the sun. The painting displays primeval landscape and intense colors. Both the paintings have many differences such as choice of colors, landscape, drapery and story, but they are similar in providing the immobile vision and transcending individual emotionalism. Both the paintings provide the illustrative staging of nature echo the choreographic qualities of the early Christian humanity (Rosenberg, 31).
