
本篇文章主要讲的是美国国家能源委员会,美国国家能源委员会就跨山管道项目举行听证会。美国国家能源委员会(National Energy board)是一个联邦监管法庭,负责监管管道的建设和运营。本署接受各市政局及直辖市就环境评估(EA)事宜提出的申请。对这些申请的审查将属于它的管辖范围。它适用于加拿大环境评估法案、努纳武特最终协议、麦肯兹河谷资源管理法和more(国家能源委员会,2016)中规定的必要立法。本篇论文代写由加拿大第一论文Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The National energy board conducts hearings about the Trans Mountain pipeline project. The National Energy board is a federal regulatory tribunal and regulates the construction and operation of pipelines. It accepts applications from city councils and municipalities on issues related to environmental assessment (EA). The review of these applications will fall under its jurisdiction. It applies the necessary legislation as laid down in the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, The Nunavut Final Agreement, the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act and more (National Energy Board, 2016).
Media and government city council reports indicate that they are actively trying to fight against the environment impact issues that could arise because of the tanker traffic (Hume, 2014). I believe enough is being done to address this issue; however, I also believe that this is a situation where a balance needs to be addressed. The city of Vancouver will need the economic help that arises from its tourism and its residential and property business, but at the same time, the city will also benefit from the tolls that it can raise from the tankers that would enter the ports. At present, a ban on the tankers is also being considered (Gordon, 2015). However, a complete solution for non-renewable energy sources has not been found yet.
In this context, it is necessary that there are some forms of renewable energy source that would help Canada and her neighbors are necessary. Importing oil from other countries would be an economic strain on the country. Furthermore, the additional miles that such energy has to be carried across will also add to the total carbon emission of the supply chain process. There is a concept that is discussed with respect to sustainability in the food industry which is called as food miles. The food miles’ concept states that the more the food travels (meaning as in being transported) the more the carbon emissions generated in the form of transportation, by ship, air freight, etc., to a destination (Weber & Miles, 2008). In a similar way, the more the energy has to travel, the more carbon emissions would get added on into the world at large. So finding a solution for the problem will have to be very well balanced.

