



  然而,公司的WACC表明公司负债累累,这也是为什么它会给公司股东带来严重的风险,不容置疑。公司需要巨额贷款,以确保公司能够表现良好(Helleiner, 2008)。为了保持公司的运转,管理层被迫从其他银行和公司贷款(澳大利亚政府生产力委员会,2014)。由于这些贷款,公司的财务价值一直在下降,因为没有人愿意购买这样的公司,在短时间内有很大的机会成为一个违约。它值得公司节省和节省他们的资金,尽一切可能彻底改变他们的整体发展轨迹。同样地,与卓越公司的合并或收购将在许多方面创造奇迹,在没有太多阻碍的情况下促进公司的前景。通过合并,Myer公司将能够生存下来,并获得一定的可持续性,这将确保两家公司可以在澳大利亚合作。


  Assessment of the fair value for Myer

  Given the insights from the case study, it is evident that profitability of the company is on the jeopardy ever since competition intensifies in the midst of the company by all means. Other than the competition, as mentioned in case study as well, the company was involved in opening many offices across the country without making any analysis related to the requirement of office in any particular area. No analysis was conducted before opening any office due to which the additional office became a burden on the office and proved to be disastrous for the already turbulent financial situation. Other than that, the Myer Company did not have any adequate cost structure due to which company was not able to control its expenses as well as cost overheads (Public policy in Texas, 2014). However, it is imperative for the company to merge with the premier organization in a bid to reinstate their profitability without much put or hindrance.

  However, WACC of the company shows that the company is running on high debts, which is why it causes severe risks for the shareholders of the company beyond all disputes. The company requires huge loans in order to make sure that the company is able to perform well (Helleiner, 2008). In order to keep the company functional, administration has been forced to take loans from other banks as well as companies (Australian government productivity commission, 2014). Due to these loans, the financial value of company has been on a downhill since no one wants to buy such a company in which there is a huge chance of being a defaulter after a short period of time. It merits the company to skimp and save their finance in an effort to overhaul their overall trajectory by all means. By the same token, the merger or acquisition with Premier Company would work wonders in numerous ways to foster the company prospects without much put or hindrance. Through the merger, the Myer Company would be able to survive and gain some sustainability which would ensure that both the companies could work together in Australia.
