
  本篇論文代寫-年輕的成年人講了通過閱讀這篇關於20多歲的人的文章,我們知道從青少年到成人的正常發展階段通常包括五個步驟。他們完成學業,搬出父母的房子,在經濟上獨立生活,可能結婚生子。這五個步驟被認爲是一個人進入成年期的常規常規發展。然而,隨着經濟和觀念的變化,成人的觀念和傳統也發生了變化。本篇論文代寫文章由加拿大第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  From reading of the article What Is It about the 20-Somethings, it is known that the normal developmental stages from teenage to the adult usually include five steps. They are finishing school, moving out from parents’ house, living as an independent in the economy, probably getting married and having children. These five steps are considered to be the conventional general development when a person enters adult period. However, with the changes of economy and viewpoints, concept and tradition of being adult has changed.

  As Hening says, “We’re in the thick of what one sociologist calls “the changing timetable for adulthood.” Sociologists traditionally define the “transition to adulthood”.

  The concept of marriage is now considered to be a choice rather than mandatory needs. ‘Emerging adults’ choose to get married much later than before, even some choose to be single, and some emerging adult choose to have a baby, then to get married, and the general standard has been totally broken. There is no real protocol that is followed to becoming an adult. Many of the adolescents and young adults choose to go home after they graduate from the school. They become the part of NEET group (Hening 205). This is a common phenomenon in the current times. The author has conducted research on the current young adult to find out the reason or the resource so as to change this kind of social trend and to make the current emerging adult become more confident and motivated in the way to success and self-dependent.

  The young adult have both advantages and disadvantages. The emerging adults are not aware as to what they must do next. They are in an undecided state. However, this concept of being undecided does not impact their confidence. There is a positive outlook for the future (Hening 207). Hence emerging adults are excited and positive than the previous generation. They expect to have patience to live their life.

