







在了解人們為什麽選擇遊輪旅行體驗的背景下,大多數媒體報道和關於人們為什麽選擇背包旅行的研究表明,人們討厭遊輪旅行。那些喜歡以更現實的方式旅行的人,他們想要與當地文化互動,想要獲得全面的文化體驗,實際上討厭乘坐遊輪。雖然這部分消費者並不完全是尋求冒險主義的人,但他們仍然是認為巡航不能讓他們接觸到他們需要的當地文化的消費者(Iwashita, 2006)。巡航被認為是太預制。遊輪實際上被認為是一種旅行形式,一切都是為旅行的人安排的,因此在某種意義上,它變成了度假而不是旅行體驗。

對旅遊者選擇目的地區位的研究進行了分析和探討,發現旅遊者可能出於多種原因選擇目的地旅遊(Hughnes 2002)。他們可能想要探索他們正在旅行的地區的社會資本;他們想要與該地區不同的文化進行交流,也想了解當地的風俗習慣等等。在某種程度上,郵輪效應會破壞這一點,因為幾乎所有的客戶旅行都暴露在預先安排的體驗。郵輪預訂是由主要的旅遊指導公司處理,他們將預先為客戶安排社會文化體驗,而不是讓客戶自己體驗(Zeppel et al, 1998)。一個視圖是準備好的或框架的,客戶或遊客誰采取巡航將得到這個固定的視圖,而不是一個真實的。

論文代寫推薦 :遊輪旅行體驗的背景分析

The focus of the PIP is to study the social, cultural and the economic reasons for why the customer would have made a choice to cruising services. Some of the questions that could be answered to a certain extent by means of secondary existing research studies are that of understanding how there might be a connection between these variables and cruising.
Some questions the researcher had at the time of initiating the literature review and the preliminary data collections was:
Do people choose to stay a night on a sailing boat in a foreign city because they want a nomadic lifestyle?
Is this because the customer wants a whole new experience of life that’s completely unavailable to inland towns and villages?
Or it is possible because of vanity when it comes to the high-end cruisers?
Since the researcher also wants to understand some of these elements in a more cross cultural context, some research questions are also chosen in that arena, namely in considering the cruise renting services that are available in the context of an Asian coastal city. This will enable the comparison to be carried out in a more culturally relevant way.
In the context of understanding why people choose the cruise experience, most media report and research on why people take up travelling in the form of backpacking suggest that people hate cruises. People who prefer travelling in a more realist way where they want to interact with the local culture and want to get an overall cultural experience actually hate to get onto the cruises. While these segments of consumers are not exactly the ones looking for adventurism, they are still consumers who believe cruising does not get them the touch for the local culture that they need (Iwashita, 2006). Cruising was considered to be too prefabricated. Cruises are in fact considered as a form of travel where everything is arranged for the person who is travelling and hence in a sense it becomes a vacation instead of a travel experience.
Research studies on why tourists select some destination location has been analyzed and discussed and it has been found out that tourists might select destination based travel for a variety of reasons (Hughnes 2002). They might want to explore the social capital in the region they are travelling; they will want to interact with the different cultures in the region and would also want to find out practices, customs and more. In a way the cruise effect would spoil this for the customer as almost all of the customers travelling are exposed to a prearranged experience. The cruise booking is handled by major tourist guidance companies that will prearrange a socio-cultural experience for the customer instead of allowing the customer to experience it for themselves (Zeppel et al, 1998). A view is prepared or framed and the customer or the tourist who takes up cruising will be given this fixed view instead of a real one.
