论文代写 有关移民


汇款派遣回家的农民工已成为第二大金融流入很多发展中国家。这么多兴奋和妖魔化现象在一些国家没有新手的移民工人世界不同地区和发送他们的收入的一部分回到他们的祖国历史上一直是普遍的。例如,西班牙帝国入侵大片的西半球导致大量的西班牙和其他欧洲人逐渐变成殖民地(1989年亚当,45 – 71页)。这往往导致西班牙工人寄钱回西班牙。像爱尔兰这样的国家严重依赖国际汇款爱尔兰人不断地离开他们的海岸去寻找更环保的北美和澳洲大陆。许多国家如意大利、西班牙和阿根廷随后颁布的法律在这方面。


Remittances that are dispatched home by migrant workers have become second largest financial inflow to so many developing countries.  This much hyped up & demonized phenomena in some countries is no novice as migration of workers to disparate parts of the world & them sending a part of their income back to their homelands has always been prevalent in history.  For instance, imperial Spain that invaded vast swathes of western hemisphere resulted in being vast number of Spanish & other Europeans trickle into the colonies (Adam, 1989, p 45-71). This often resulted in Spanish workers sending money back to Spain. Countries like Ireland heavily depended on international remittances as Irish people constantly left their shores to look for greener patches of North America & Australian continent. Many countries like Italy, Spain, and Argentina subsequently enacted laws in this regard.
