1. Research Aims & Objectives

The global beer market is characterized by several players that pose significant competition to each other. Italy is deemed to be the top manufacturer of wine followed closely by France (The 5 best winemaking countries in the world, 2011). Amidst such stiff competition, it is important to analyze the branding strategies of Tsingtao Brewery, China that has contributed to its success. Accordingly, the main research questions which this report addresses are:
1. Determination of the branding strategies of Tsingtao Brewery and its effectiveness,
2. Analysis of the differentiating factors of the brand Tsingtao – whether the differences are real or artificially created through marketing strategies.
3. Scope of development of the brand Tsingtao in future.
The brand is sold across 50 countries, but on account of time and geographical constraints, its popularity in the US market only has been analyzed. As per Gray (2011), the US economy is expected to become the top wine consuming economy in 2011 and accordingly, the US market has been chosen for analysis. The questionnaire method has bee used to obtain answers to the research questions and it has been decided that the questionnaire would be administered electronically to about 500 people to obtain their feedback and perceptions about the Tsingtao brand.








