

For example one type of consumer is looking for speed and performance. Another is looking for safety and general spaciousness. These two types of consumers fit in perfectly with our model of Household stages. The consumer looking for speed is most likely a young single. The consumer looking for safety and spaciousness is most likely a person with a family. In the case of family sized cars, young singles do not have a need for vehicles that offer large amounts of passenger space, large engines and high safety ratings. For this reason, they perceive the value of family sized cars to be lower than, say, sports cars.  This is why segmentation is necessary. It is essential in figuring out what type of consumer to market to. Segmentation is necessary if we are to market effectively. For family cars, it doesn’t matter much depth or breath the product line has because the basic concept behind these vehicles remains the same. The change in luxury grade or engine power may attract some customers from a different market segment but these cars cater to a very specific market segment.  This leads us to implementation. One aspect of implementation is figuring out what aspect of the market you’re going to cater to. Once that is done companies generally declare themselves so that all concerned know that this is the segment of the market that they cater to.





