

根据市场调查,过去几年食品零售价格在很大程度上保持不变。像Tesco,Ada,J Sainsbury和Morrison这样的零售连锁店一直保持着食品价格。有很多的客户激励计划可以吸引更多的潜在客户,并保持现有的客户群的快乐(Cadman,2014)。Aldi和Lidl都为吸引顾客提供了越来越多的折扣。食品市场上有很多竞争对手,为了满足日益激烈的竞争,他们采取了积极的定价策略。由于市场的泛滥,人们现在觉得他们可以以真正的价格购买食品,这要感谢这些竞争对手。食品零售业正试图吸引更多的顾客。日益增长的忠诚度和折扣项目使消费者能够以很低的价格购买食品。食品通货膨胀价格每年计算一次。从2006年开始,人们发现通货膨胀率还不到1%。由于食品工业中采用的新技术,食品生产和价格一直保持在低水平。由于市场上充斥着廉价食品(Cadman,2014年),市场出现了范式转移。



According to Market surveys the food retail prices has been largely maintained in the same range over the past few years. The retail chains like Tesco, Ada, J Sainsbury and Morrison have maintained the food price. There are lots of customer incentive programs to bring in more potential customers and keep the existing customer base happy (Cadman, 2014). Aldi and Lidl all have giving more and more discounts to attract customers. The food market has a lot of competitors and the pricing is done aggressively to meet with the growing competition. Due to the flooding of the markets the people now feel they can purchase food items at real price thanks to these competitors. The food retail industry is trying to bring in more customers. The growing loyalty and discount programs have enabled the consumer to buy food at really low prices. The food inflation prices are computed yearly. From the year 2006 it has been found that the inflation has remained at less than one percent. There is an increase in manufacturing of food production and the prices have remained low because of the newer technologies employed in the food industry. There has been a paradigm shift owing to which the market is flooded with cheaper food products (Cadman, 2014).
Seeley (2012) argument on regulation to curb competitiveness in order to maintain a fair price has indeed been investigated in real time. The larger food chains like Tesco, Morrison’s has aided the end consumer in buying a lot of food products cheap. The people prefer to buy food products owing to the growing incentive programs and the cheap pricing. The larger retail chains have established many successful chains all around the country. The consumers have started to depend on these retail chains for their domestic needs.
