
  本篇蒙特利尔论文代写-全球化对文化的影响讲了在全球化的情况下,人们注意到它是权力的混合和与资本主义市场的一体化。这使得某些文化坚持一些核心原则。主导文化的原则和理想可能优先考虑。在建立商业的努力中,各国普遍遵守市场上存在的商业原则(Hall, 1991)。有人批评说,人们最终会失去认同感,开始追随企业营销的主导理念。这导致了更多的西方化的资本主义原则,土著民族文化和遗产丢失。这是对参与全球市场并坚持全球化原则的东方国家的主要批评。本篇蒙特利尔论文代写文章由加拿大第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  In the case of globalization, it has been observed that it is the intermingling of power and integration with the capitalistic markets. This has made certain cultures to adhere to some central principles. The principles and ideals of the dominant cultures might take precedence. In an effort to build commerce, the nations generally adhere to the principles of business that are found to exist in the markets (Hall, 1991). It has been criticized that the people eventually lose their sense of identity and start to follow dominant ideals marketed by the businesses. This leads to more westernized capitalistic principles where the indigenous national culture and heritage is lost. This has been the central criticism of the Eastern nations participating in the global markets and adhering to the principles of globalization. There is vehement opposition by certain nations for their loss of culture or practices in this process of globalization (Hodos, 2010). There has been violent assertion that has been made by the nations regarding this loss of culture. Although, vehement opposition towards globalization exists, benefits been garnered by globalization process cannot be discounted in this process. The nations have also grown and progresses in terms of technology are the tangible benefits that have been observed by the paradigms of globalization. Owing to this, there has been mixed views in the nations to the principles of globalization. There is considerable fear over the loss of culture or identity (Ting-Tommey & Chung, 2005).

  In an ideal world, the principles of globalization are an effort to mingle people from different races and ideologies. It is an effort for the nations to work and grow as one global community without the loss of their heritage of culture. The notions of globalization can be described as the process of opening of borders across the spectrum has caused the people to lose these notions of national identity. This does not mean that the identity of the person or the nation is on a verge of collapse. Rather, it is a paradigm where all the people in the society try to work together based on shared values and beliefs (Morley & Robins, 2002). This is an important concept or the principle behind globalization. The criticism behind this ideology is that it is not in practice in the current times. There is considerable loss of culture of certain people. So while it is true that sometimes cultural sharing tips off a person into a merged or converted culture, the fear is being overdriven by some entities.


  To conclude, it can be said that culture is a set of shared beliefs and customs. This is a dynamic variable. The principles of free trade and globalization have led to the formation of a newer paradigm of identity and culture. It is important not to lose the original identity in this process. Nevertheless, it should also be understood that external events mandate certain changes in the cultural paradigms, but this does not mean that cultural or individual or nation identities are lost.

