

仅以下的人才管理最佳实践在全球范围内是不够的。当代大多数公司在培养和维持人才方面都面临着挑战。这是因为企业正在遵循在更本土化背景下建立的人才管理最佳实践。这些做法并不能帮助企业适应全球工作领域迅速变化的人口结构(Collings & Mellahi, 2009)。在拥有强大且可持续的人才库方面,公司与其他公司竞争激烈。事实上,人才库被认为是公司的竞争优势之一。因此,企业需要发展自己的人才管理实践,以适应全球环境。全球工作组是流动的、多样化的,并且在地理和文化上是无限的(Schuler, Jackson, & Tarique, 2011)。这种多样性带来的挑战使得学术界和人力资源从业者关注全球人才管理中的文化视角(Schuler et al ., 2011)。该研究报告用不同的方法对全球企业管理和发展人才的文化视角和人才管理进行了批判性评估。

研究表明,如果企业不从文化角度来看待人才管理,就会失去战略效益。当员工感觉与工作场所没有联系时,就会导致工作效率降低(Pucik, and Saba, 1998)。员工和管理层可能无法很好地合作。研究人员指出,工作场所文化差异的积极影响可以通过更好的沟通来抵消(Hofstede, 1998)。远程员工需要更多的指导,需要更多的时间与管理层打交道。如果公司没有投入时间和精力来吸引员工,他们可能无法获得雇佣低成本员工带来的好处。当今时代的企业明白,文化多元化的员工会给公司带来不同的地理视角,这对公司是有益的。然而,如果不适当地与他们接触,这些战略利益可能无法实现。

拥有一个开放的沟通程序将使管理层在全球人才获取和管理中更加关注文化视角。一项针对全球人才管理的调查似乎表明,跨国公司更注重与招聘到的人才进行更坦诚、公开的讨论。研究结果表明,开放的沟通程序,与潜在的候选人,并有审查会议将确保文化兼容性将不会成为一个问题后,招聘(Birt等,2004年)。然而,在应用标准方面也存在一些问题。例如,并非所有的跨国公司都有一个开放的流程。他们用来互动的开放交流的水平将会是不同的。例如,近80%的美国公司认为他们雇佣公开的人才测评会议,近55%的欧洲公司认为他们拥有公开的沟通(Gale, 2015)。然而,通过帮助新员工了解组织、使命、愿景和期望,成功围绕文化视角进行规划的公司的确切比例过低。

resume代写 :文化视角在全球人才发展与管理中的意义

The following talent management best practices alone will not be enough in the global context. Most companies in contemporary situation are challenged when it comes to building and sustaining talents. This is because companies are following talent management best practices built under a more local context. These practices do not help the business adjust to the rapidly shifting demographics in the global work arena (Collings & Mellahi, 2009). Companies have strong competition from other companies when it comes to having a strong and sustainable talent pool. In fact, the talent pool is considered as one of the competitive edges of the company. So companies need to develop their talent management practices to suit the global context. The global task force is mobile, diverse and is geographically and culturally unbounded (Schuler, Jackson, & Tarique, 2011). The challenges that arrive with this diversity make academicians and human resource practitioners focus on cultural perspectives in global talent management (Schuler et al, 2011). The research report critically evaluates the cultural perspectives on talent and talent management with different approaches that are used to manage and develop talent in global businesses.
Research studies indicate that businesses will lose strategic benefits if they do not employ a cultural perspective on talent management. When employees do not feel connected to the workplace, it leads to lower productivity (Pucik, and Saba, 1998). Employees and management might not collaborate well. Researchers indicate that the active impact of cultural differences in the workplace could be offset by the implementation of better communication (Hofstede, 1998). Remote employees would need more guidance and face time with management and when companies fail to invest the time and effort to engage employees, they might not reap the benefits that come with hiring a low cost employee. Businesses in current times understand that cultural diversified employees bring a different geographical perspective to the company which will be useful for the company. However, without engaging them properly, these strategic benefits might not be attained.
Having an open communication procedure would make the management more mindful of the cultural perspectives in global talent acquisition and management. Survey that was conducted for global talent management seems to indicate that global multination companies focus on having more frank and open discussions with their recruited talents. Study findings indicate that open communication procedures with potential candidates and having review meets will ensure that cultural compatibility will not be an issue after recruitment (Birt et al, 2004). However, there are also problems when it comes to the standards to be applied. For instance, not all MNCs might have an open process. The level of open communication that they would use to interact with would by itself be different. For instance, nearly 80 percent of American companies believe that they employ open talent review meets, and nearly 55 percent of European companies believe that they have open communications (Gale, 2015). However, the exact percentage of companies that manage to plan around the cultural perspective by helping new recruits get a glimpse of the organization, the mission, vision and expectations is too low.
