

可以说,社交媒体已经改变了政治竞选的方式。在当今时代,没有社交媒体的参与,每一场政治运动都是无用的。在过去,演讲被用作激励的源泉。但是,随着社交媒体的出现,政治活动也发生了一些变化。目前,大约75%的青少年和93%的18-29岁的成年人使用社交媒体进行宣传(Zuniga et al ., 2012)。正因为如此,政治分析家甚至可以了解一个特定的地区,因此社交媒体可以作为一个数据收集点。当今时代的每一位政治活动家都在Facebook和Twitter上有自己的账号,他们可以通过这些渠道发表自己的观点。通过社交媒体,他们可以很容易地直接与人们交流,而不是通过新闻频道等媒介。他们可以很容易地发布与政治竞选有关的新闻,创造一个24/7的循环。如果读者有兴趣了解一个特定的聚会,他们可以不时地得到新闻。Facebook吸引社交媒体的另一个特点是政治竞选的散列标签(Ratkiewicz et al, 2012)。散列标签是一种技术,通过它,政党能够增加追随者,并确保追随者得到有趣的对话。因为在Facebook上,人们可以知道哪个帖子是当前最流行的。这也使人们能够以创造性的方式表达他们的观点。


除此之外,当代政治运动的性质也发生了变化。由于社交媒体的存在,竞选活动可以变得更加自然,因为政客们更加谨慎,并试图切断记者参与竞选的渠道。相比于阅读一个政党或一个人的活动,或者听他们实际看到了什么,观察一个政党或一个人的活动要有趣得多(Strandberg, 2013)。所有人都可以通过youtube等社交媒体平台直接观察政客的观点。许多政党都在使用社交媒体,如You Tube和Facebook,目的是直接传播信息。正是通过这种方式,他们可以直接控制促销(Bertot et al ., 2012)。每一条信息都可以以非常快的速度进入公众的视野,他们可以直接接触到政党希望传递的每一条新闻和信息。

硕士论文代写 :社交媒体在政治运动中的作用

It can be stated that the social media has changed the way political campaigns are done. In the present times, each of the political campaign is useless without involving the social media. In the past the speeches were used as a source of motivation. But, with the emergence of social media there are a number of changes in the political campaigns. In the present times, around 75 % of teens and around 93 % of adults between the ages of 18-29 use social media for the purpose of promotion (Zúñiga et al, 2012). Due to this the political analysts can even get the idea about a specific region and thus social media can serve as a data gathering point. Each of the political campaigners in the present times has an account on Facebook and Twitter and they are able to give their opinions through these sources. Through the social media, they are easily able to communicate directly with the people, instead of having the same through a mediator such as news channel. They can easily post the news related to the political campaigns, by creating a 24/7 cycle. If the reader is interested to know about a specific party, they can get the news every now and then. Another characteristic of Facebook which has captured the social media is the political campaign hash tags (Ratkiewicz et al, 2012). Hash tags are the technology through which the political parties are able to increase their followers and ensure that the followers get interesting conversations. Because of tending on Facebook, people can get to know which post is most trending in the present times. This also enables people to express their opinions in creative manner.
It is because of the social media in the present times that the gap between the voters and the politicians has been bridged, which makes the candidates much more relatable and familiar to the people. This helps the public to connect to them and know who is good for them.
In addition to this, there has been change in the nature of political campaigns in the present times. The campaigning can be much more natural because of social media as the politicians are much more guarded and are trying to cut off the journalists from the campaigns. It is much more interesting to view the activities about a political party or a person in comparison to reading about them or hearing what did they actually see (Strandberg, 2013). It has been possible for everyone to observe the views of the politicians directly through social media platforms such as You Tube. A large number of political parties are using social media such as You Tube and Facebook for the purpose of spreading the information directly. It is through this they can have direct control over the promotion (Bertot et al, 2012). Each and every piece of information can be there in the public on a very fast level and they can get a direct access to each and every news and information which a political party wishes to delivery.
