




这个国家的GDP是1.8万亿美元。总的来说,自由化政策,使关税对投资者来说是有趣的,使它对投资者来说是有利可图的。该国的经济一直在稳步改善(Maddison, 2013)。中国的金融危机对印度影响甚微。这些应该被分解。作为一个人口众多的国家,人口分布在很多领域。总的来说,这个国家的主要城市都是国际化的。人口老龄化是一个需要考虑的问题。这些退休人员的养老金对人民的社会经济生活造成了相当大的影响。在这个国家,越来越多的专业人士使得商业运作成为可能(Maddison, 2013)。

温哥华代写 :丹麦的贸易和商业政策发展

There were a number of wars fought in this region that had impeded economic progress. The country has been fragmented from its original size. Sweden and Iceland has all become independent nations. There has been adverse impact owing to these aspects in the region.
From 1900 to 1950, this country was marred by wars and economic depression and was generally under a lot of stress. It was only after Second World War that there has been considerable progress in the nation. Until 1950, this country was an agricultural country. Development has been facilitated only in the recent decades (Andersen, 2012). This country has high natural resources and people resources. Liberalization notions peaked in 1970 and the development had been enabled after this era. Domestic demand of the products and the domestic economic policy has caused considerable impact on the economy of the nation.

It is a federal form of government that is found to be the largest democratic system in the world. The country in general has a stable form of governance. There is a well developed taxation system in India. Many forms of taxes are obtained. The companies who wish to enter into the region should be aware of this policy. Privatization is highly encouraged by the government and this is a positive feature for the international investors. However, there is also the issue of bribery in the nation that needs to be addressed
The GDP of the country is 1.8 Trillion USD. In general, the liberalization policies, making tariff interesting for the investors has made it lucrative for the investors. There has been steady improvement in the economy of the country (Maddison, 2013). The financial crisis in China had very little impact on India. These should be factored. As a highly populated country, there are people in many segments. In general, the country is found to be cosmopolitan in the major cities. There is an aging population that needs to be considered. The pension to these retirees is causing considerable impact on the social and economic life of the people. There are a growing number of professionals in this country that make it feasible for business operations (Maddison, 2013).
