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This is basically an instrument which is used by the physicians and other medical professionals in nursing and hospital care industry. The use of this instrument mainly includes is to hear the sounds made the heart, different other body parts such as lungs, other body organs. Stethoscopes used in hospitals by medical doctors, medical students and other health practitioners for assessing patient health have been reported as a potential vector for transmitting infections in the hospital environment in various parts of the world. (Mehta AK et al, 2010)
Therefore this instrument is very useful in health care system and also is very convenient for the health care professionals to find out the problems by hear beats or other body part beats. The below shown is the flow process for use and importance study of stethoscopes. (Livornese LL et al, 1992)
The importance can be explained by the flow process for use of the stethoscope in medical industry. It is very basic instrument in medical field but the use and importance is unlimited. It tells us the potential source of medical problems for a human body in different parts. This is most used medical device in the world for medical checkup in all the health care or medical industry. (Cousins D.D. 1998)
