

搜索引擎行业一直由谷歌主导。该公司也已成为智能手机市场的竞争对手。这种领导力之所以成为可能,是因为它的扩张战略以及搜索引擎的成功(Laanti et al., 2007)。该公司的收购策略是这样的,它有它的基础概念,购买在较小的市场和利基。然后,该公司承诺以动态的方式开发这一细分市场,并向竞争对手发起进攻。







The search engine industry has been dominated by Google. The company has also emerged as a smartphone market competitor. This leadership has been possible because of its strategy of expansion along with its original product of search engine’s success (Laanti et al., 2007). The acquisition strategy of the company is such that it has its basis over the notion to purchase within smaller markets and niches. The company then undertakes to develop this niche in a dynamic manner and offers an attack on the forefront towards the competitors.
The company has adopted outsourcing strategy in cases where it cannot produce a better product within its in-house operations. This is a crucial global strategy that the company has adopted.
Another essential element that the company exercises as a part of its globalization strategy is image creation. The Google leading motto is not being bad. This proves that the company tries to offer ethical products and services to its customers. Individuals working for the company believe in idealism . These are the people for whom having freedom of thought and speech is the maximum benefit. The company fights for freedom in a permanent manner. A global objective of the company lies in cataloguing information for access to the people at large.
Globally, Google really cares over its clients in a manner that no other organization does. Supporting this is the fact that it has the ability of offering products with best quality. Worldwide, the company offers customers with a free of cost service. The revenues, however, come through advertisements over Google platforms. Their platform indeed has an aim over bringing traffic of maximum number and offer higher visibility to the users.

