英文论文代写:科恩兄弟的电影 《冰血暴》

英文论文代写:科恩兄弟的电影 《冰血暴》

科恩兄弟的电影通常以其与之前电影形式的相对自觉关系而闻名。它也是通过《冰血暴》的剧本来塑造的,它以一种非传统的方式坚决地破坏了警察的常规程序,尤其是对主要女警察调查员的刻画。《冰血暴》也反对电影惯例,转而支持自然主义,因为它赋予了潜在角色可联系的、可识别的、明确的现实生活。影片中所有角色的刻画都有一定程度的丰富性,这些角色都是通过特定的现实细节被密切观察的,忽略了陈词滥调。这部电影甚至扩展了对卡尔和杰瑞的刻画,这与法戈的绑架阴谋有关(戴维斯,2015)。科恩兄弟的这部电影非常简单。让他们头脑简单的一个主要原因是,他们想要表现出一种与好莱坞传统观念相悖的愿望,好莱坞认为坏人是一个超级职业人士,往往控制着他所做的一切(Campbell et al, 2013)。在各种情况下,罪犯往往属于社会上最不具备面对生活条件的阶层。这就是他们经常被警察抓住的原因。在这方面,与传统的电影和类型电影相比,电影是非常贴近生活的。在其总体结构中,《冰血暴》主要基于真实事件。然而,故事的细节和人物往往是虚构的。最初,导演们强调要拍一部纪录片。此外,没有对可能发生的谋杀或与之直接有关的事件的性质进行研究。

犯罪类型电影的一个主要问题是他们努力调和两个理性冲突的项目。此外,就像其他类型电影一样,犯罪类型电影的主要目的是通过吸引和加强一系列被欣赏但并非完全具有说服力的社会陈词滥调(Miller, 2013)。犯罪类型电影之所以需要强化这些观念,其关键原因在于观众在这方面的需求。这将促进验证道德和法律范畴的个性,最终会让观众支持他们的社会谦逊睿智,也确保各自的社会地位在社会秩序负责任的公民拥有意识关于什么是正确,什么是错误的和谁应该受到惩罚,谁不应(米勒,2013)。电影行业和观众所认同的道德信念,因一系列特定的角色而异,这些角色被分配给受害者,他们必须确保自己在通常的认知大纲中。同样,罪犯必须成为他们恐惧和憎恶的标志(Kohm & Greenhill, 2014)。同样,报复性的侦探必须确保他以最纯粹的形式和最私人的形式阐明法律。

英文论文代写 :科恩兄弟的电影 《冰血暴》

Films from Coen brothers are often noted for their relatively self-conscious relation with preceding forms of films. It was also portrayed through Fargo’s screenplay and it resolutely undermines the usual procedure of police in an unconventional manner, specifically with its portrayal of the main female police investigator. Fargo has also turned against film convention in favour of naturalism because it gives its potential characters relatable, identifiable and clearly grounded lives. There is always a certain level of richness within the portrayal of all the characters that have filled the movie and are closely observed with certain realistic details and ignore clichés. The film has even extended the portrayal of Carl and Jerry that relates to Fargo’s kidnap plot (Davis, 2015). The film by Coen brothers was highly simple minded. One of the main reasons for making them simple-minded is to portray their desire for going against the conventional notion of Hollywood of the bad guy being a super-professional that tends to control whatever he does (Campbell et al, 2013). In various cases, criminals tend to belong to strata of society that is least equipped for facing life. This is the reason why they are often caught by Police. In this regard, the movie is very close to life when compared with conventions of cinema and genre movies. Within its general structure, Fargo is mainly based on a real event. However, the details of the story along with its characters tend to be fictional. Initially, the directors had emphasized towards making a documentary film. Moreover, no research had been done regarding the nature of potential murders or the events that were directly connected with them.
One of the major issues with the crime genre movies is regarding their endeavour to reconcile two rationally conflicting projects. Moreover, just like the other genre movies, the crime genre movies primary aim is to work by appealing and reinforcing an appreciated but not utterly persuasive series of social bromides (Miller, 2013). The key reason behind why these beliefs need to be reinforced by the crime genre movies is because of the demand of the viewers in this regard. This will facilitate to validate the individuality of the ethical and legal categories which eventually will allow the viewers to uphold their sagacity of social modesty and also to secure their respective social position in the social order as responsible citizens who possess the awareness regarding what is right and what is wrong and who should be punished and who should be not (Miller, 2013). The ethical conviction on which the film industry and the viewers agree varies on the basis of series of definite peculiarity among the roles which are assigned to the victim who have to make sure that they have to be in their usual recognition outline. Similarly the criminal have to be the mark of their terror and abhorrence (Kohm & Greenhill, 2014). Likewise, the retaliating detective has to make sure that he articulates the law in its unadulterated form and in its most personal form.
