

欺负可以被定义为用来恐吓、胁迫一个人恐吓、虐待的力量。欺负一个人有很多种形式。它可以在任何时间发生在任何地方。这种胁迫行为并不局限于任何一个地方或年龄组(Carter et al., 2013)。这在学校甚至职场都很常见。在办公室环境中,有许多种欺负行为会影响这个地方的幸福感。这种欺负行为会对周围环境产生负面影响,并导致周围环境充满敌意。当组织挑战员工的基本安全和保障时,员工就无法达到最佳状态。这可以影响生产力和地方的整体和谐(Carter et al., 2013)。这方面需要加以考虑,以确保雇员发挥其最大潜力。本分析的目的是了解欺负的原因,确保员工的人身安全和情感安全。解决霸凌问题将带来整体效益。正如前面提到的,欺凌可以是口头的,身体的,甚至是书面的。例如:管理者对员工进行纪律或身体虐待。有些员工被边缘化或被迫在敌对环境中工作。一些恶意的谣言正在传播。


个人经理和老板事无巨细地管理员工的工作和行为,就像他们从不满足于员工所做的工作一样。制定不合理的目标和改变工作安排(Cowie et al., 2002)在工作场所,欺凌更多的是口头上的,而不是身体上的。欺负他人的人非常谨慎,他们知道,人身攻击会导致犯罪,因此他们会诉诸于无形的欺凌(Carter et al., 2013)。很难区分什么是恃强凌弱,什么是不合理的事件。并非所有不合理的行为都可以被认为是欺负。然而,这不应该成为一种模式。为了在工作场所进一步解释,冲突是一个自然过程,预计会发生。人们之间的这种意见分歧,或者是人们之间的意见分歧,不能被认为是恃强凌弱。然而,反复的冲突或人们不断地试图展示他们的力量,可以被认为是欺凌。举个例子,如果一个经理不停地欺负另一个员工,根据他们的立场,那就被认为是恃强凌弱。


Bullying can be defined as the force that is used to scare, coerce a person to intimidate, abuse. There are many forms of bullying a person. It can essentially happen in any place at any time. This coercive behavior is not limited to any one place or age group (Carter et al., 2013). It is found to be common in schools and even in workplace. In the office environment there are many kinds of bullying that this affects the well-being of the place. This kind of bullying can have a negative impact on the surrounding and cause the place to be hostile. Employees cannot achieve their best when the organization challenges their basic safety and security. This can affect the productivity and the overall harmony of the place (Carter et al., 2013). This aspect needs to be considered in order to ensure that the employees are functioning at their maximum potential. The purpose of this analysis is to understand the reasons of bullying and ensure the physical safety and emotional security of the employees. Addressing of bullying would lead to the overall benefit. As mentioned earlier bullying can be verbal, physical or even in the written form. For example:Managers discipline or physically abuse the employees.Some employees are marginalized or made to work in hostile environment.Some malicious rumors are spread.

The individual managers and bosses micromanage the employees work and act like they are never satisfied with the work done by the employees. Set up unreasonable goals and change arrangement of work (Cowie et al., 2002)Bullying is found to be more in the verbal form than in physical attack in the workplace. The people who bully another person are very cautious they know that physically attacking the person causes them to cause criminal charges hence they resort to invisible kind of bullying (Carter et al., 2013). It becomes difficult to differentiate between what is bullying or an unreasonable event. Not all unreasonable behavior can be considered as bullying. Nevertheless, this should not become a pattern. To explain further in a workplace, conflict is a natural process that is expected to occur. This difference of opinion between the people or people pulling rank to ascertain them cannot be considered as bullying. However, repeated conflicts or the people continually trying to show their power can be considered as bullying. For example, if a manager continuously bullies another employee based on their position it is considered as bullying.
