

Oloruntoba & Gray(2006)认为,当人道主义供应链试图模仿商业供应链时,它是一个敏捷供应链,但是人道主义供应链所具有的不可预测性和不确定性使得它看起来不那么敏捷。最主要的原因是供应格局的变化,供应的类型和数量,以及不同的供应领域不断旋转和提出新的挑战。然而,作者谈到了在人道主义援助中更好地开发敏捷供应链,当它试图专业地处理从多个这样的场合中学习到的困难情况时。由于有效的资料收集技术,并在大量人道主义工作队之间传播,救济援助能够最精确地到达目的地地区和人民。

英语论文代写 :人道主义供应中的私营部门支助

omasini & Van Wassenhove(2009)提出了私营部门作为重要参与者的作用和贡献。私营部门是社会的重要组成部分,由于人道主义援助来自世界各地,将它们包括在救济行动中是非常有意义的。已经开展的一些合作是与TNT和WFP项目以及DHL、FedEx和Agility一起进行的。这种私营部门的支助不仅是一种财政援助,而且是一种更加积极的支助。DHL和联邦快递小组亲自参与了在黎巴嫩的人道主义援助工作。私营部门的支助可以加快医药支助、住房和电信需求,以及向前端主要人道主义救济援助提供者提供后勤支助。当私营部门受到邀请并在世界各地的许多这类活动中作出更大的贡献时,它们可以在消除救济援助提供方面的各种差距方面发挥重大作用。

英语论文代写 :人道主义供应中的私营部门支助

Oloruntoba & Gray (2006) talked about the humanitarian supply chain being an agile supply chain when it tries to imitate the business supply chain, but the unpredictability and uncertainty with which the humanitarian chain is to operate on makes it look less agile. The primary reason being the changing landscape of the supply, the type and quantity of supply, and the different areas of supply that keeps rotating and giving new challenges. However, the authors speak about a finer development of an agile supply chain in humanitarian aid, when it tries to professionally handle difficult situations that come of learning from multiple such occasions. With efficient information gathering techniques, and disseminating among large number of humanitarian teams, it has become possible for relief aid to reach the destined region and people with utmost precision.

英语论文代写 :人道主义供应中的私营部门支助

Tomasini & Van Wassenhove (2009) put forward the role and contribution of the private sector as an important actor. The private sector is an essential part of society and with the humanitarian aid coming from across the globe, and it makes sense to include them in the relief actions. Some of the collaborations that have taken place is with TNT and WFP programs along with DHL, FedEx, and Agility. This private sector support has been more financially and active support type than just being a financial aid. The DHL and FedEx teams had personally involved themselves in the efforts of humanitarian aid in Lebanon. Private sector support can expedite medicine support, shelter and telecommunication requirements, and back office support to the front end leading humanitarian relief aid providers. Private sector can play a large role in eliminating all kinds of disparities in relief aid provision, when they are invited and made a larger contributory party in many such events across the world.
